Group Philosophy

Group Company Slogan

One Team One Dream

Building a bright future as a team

The defining characteristic of stainless steel is its resistance to rust.
Forever beautiful, it glimmers vibrantly.
We want to build a bright future for individuals, companies, society, and the planet.
Toward that end, Group companies will continue to come together to resolve customers’ issues and forge into new fields to deliver products and services that exceed expectations.
The YAMCO Group: Building a bright future as a team.

Management Philosophy

Pursuing happiness for all stakeholders and a beautiful future for the planet.

For Everyone’s Happiness

  1. 01
    For our employees
    We provide comfortable, positive working environments and maintain a corporate culture conducive to communication.

  2. 02
    For job seekers
    We provide opportunities to showcase their creativity and energy at will.

  3. 03
    For our customers
    We harness our global sourcing capability to supply materials from around the world.

  4. 04
    For industry
    We develop engineers and improve advanced technologies to lead the special steel industry.

  5. 05
    For the planet
    We use eco-friendly special steel to contribute to CO₂ reduction.

Code of Conduct

Our most important guidelines: The 3Rs



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